ATS Injury Prevention Professionals Course February 7-8, 2025 9:00am to 4:30pm ET (both days)
Throughout the United States, unintentional injury continues to be a leading cause of death and disability for all age groups. Hundreds of thousands of individuals are affected by injury or injury-related deaths each year. Evidence shows that effective prevention programs and strategies work to reduce these statistics. The ATS Injury Prevention Professionals Course is geared towards establishing and developing a formal, hospital based, multi-faceted injury prevention program. This two-day course was developed by seasoned injury prevention professionals across the country and is designed to cover three full modules on injury and data analysis, education, program development, advocacy, promotion, and more!
The ATS’s Injury Prevention Professionals Course was developed in collaboration with members of the Trauma Prevention Coalition (Including, the Society of Trauma Nurses (STN), American College of Surgeons – Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST), Trauma Center Association of America (TCAA) and American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST).
Key Course Objectives Include:
- Describe key concepts and components of a public health approach to hospital-based injury and violence prevention
- Discuss the use and application of data for injury prevention planning, implementation, and evaluation
- Describe the process for planning and implementing injury prevention interventions
- Discuss and apply four types of evaluation for injury prevention interventions
- Identify opportunities within trauma centers for developing a comprehensive approach to injury prevention
- Identify methods to fund Hospital-based Injury and Violence Prevention Programs
- Discuss the role of media and advocacy in Hospital-based Injury and Violence Prevention Programs
Virtual Injury Prevention Professionals Course Requirements:
- Reliable high-speed internet
- Computer with a webcam. Webcam must remain on throughout the duration of the course.
- A quiet space from which to join
- Attend technology check: Date TBD
Upon completion of the Injury Prevention Professionals Course the learner will receive
- The Trauma Center Association of America is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 16459 for 15.25 contact hours. CE Certificate must be retained for 4 years after date of issue.
- If learner does not possess an RN License, a completion certificate worth 15.25 ATS Contact Hours will be provided.
$475 For Members
$575 For Non-Members For more information: